Marius Lucan and Scott Roods shared top honors in TCC No. 86 with a score of 6-1. Michael Bascon took the under 1600 prize with a score of 4-3. The 12-player event ended November 24.
This month was more predictable than October, except for the games of 7-year-old Jacob Wang who made his first appearance and impressed all with his talent. His draw with NM Vadim Kudryavtsev was the shocking highlight of the tournament. Jacob’s defensive resourcefulness and patience in equal positions was ironic because these are usually the traits of veteran players. Dakota Rowland returned and played well.
The first three Tuesdays featured two games each night of the traditional G/45+5 seconds time control; but, the final night was limited to one round due to new Covid-19 curfew restrictions. The chess was lively as usual and all had a good time.
Masks continue to be required and TCC remains Covid-19 free.
Complete standings are here.